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  • 🔓 Hankivsky, O., Reid, C., Cormier, R., Varcoe, C., Clark, N., Benoit, C., & Brotman, S. (2010). Exploring the promises of intersectionality for advancing women's health research. International journal for equity in health, 9(1), 1-15.

  • Ben Hagai, E. (2023, February). Changes in Lesbian identity in the 21st century. Current Opinion in Psychology, 49, 101508.

  • Peterson, T. L., & Gerrity, D. A. (2006, July 16). Internalized Homophobia, Lesbian Identity Development, and Self-Esteem in Undergraduate Women. Journal of Homosexuality, 50(4), 49–75.

  • Fingerhut, A. W., Peplau, L. A., & Ghavami, N. (2005, June). A Dual-Identity Framework for Understanding Lesbian Experience. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 29(2), 129–139.

  • Shaw, A. (2009, January 13). Women on Women: Lesbian Identity, Lesbian Community, and Lesbian Comics. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 13(1), 88–97.

  • Shapiro, D. N., Rios, D., & Stewart, A. J. (2010, October 18). Conceptualizing lesbian sexual identity development: Narrative accounts of socializing structures and individual decisions and actions. Feminism & Psychology, 20(4), 491–510.

  • Bjorkman, M., & Malterud, K. (2009, January). Lesbian women’s experiences with health care: A qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 27(4), 238–243.

  • Corcoran, N. (2017, August 4). Promoting health in lesbian and bisexual women: it is not just about behaviour change. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(21–22), 3742–3750.

  • Fish, J. (2009, November). Our Health, Our Say: Towards a Feminist Perspective of Lesbian Health Psychology. Feminism & Psychology, 19(4), 437–453.

  • Power, J., McNair, R., & Carr, S. (2009, January). Absent sexual scripts: lesbian and bisexual women’s knowledge, attitudes and action regarding safer sex and sexual health information. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 11(1), 67–81.

  • Roberts, S. J., Tarmina, M. S., Grindel, C. G., Patsdaughter, C. A., & DeMarco, R. (2005, September). Lesbian Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Substance Abuse, 25(4), 1–9.

  • Munson, S., & Cook, C. (2016, May 27). Lesbian and bisexual women’s sexual healthcare experiences. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(23–24), 3497–3510.

  • Bates, D. D. (2010, January 29). Once-Married African-American Lesbians and Bisexual Women: Identity Development and the Coming-Out Process. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(2), 197–225.

Popularizační publikace

  • American Psychological Association. (2008). Issues in Psychotherapy with Lesbian and Gay Men: A Survey of Psychologists.

  • Goldstein, E., & Horowitz, L. (2013). Lesbian identity and contemporary psychotherapy: A framework for clinical practice. Routledge.

  • Erica Fischer. (1994). Aimee & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943. Alyson Books.

  • Castle, T. (1993). The apparitional lesbian: Female homosexuality and modern culture. Columbia University Press.

  • Lister, A. (2010). The secret diaries of Miss Anne Lister: Vol. 1: I know my own heart (Vol. 1). Hachette UK.

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Lidé o nás mluví, jako kdyby gayové a lesby byli neplodní. A tak to není. To, že jsme lesby, nezničilo naši touhu po rodičovství. Dítě může přijít na svět různými způsoby, říkají Žaneta Sladká a Tereza Lavičková.

Mark Hatzenbuehler a jeho keynote o strukturálním stigmatu LGB osob.


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